Ourexam has updated the newest 000-115 practice test, which is published by our experienced IT experts and specialists. I know it is inevitable for you to spend lots of time and hard work on IT certification. Although there are several categories of Certification in Ourexam, the ways towards them are similar. You only have to read our product carefully.
As all known, Ourexam is one of the best professional IT Certification websites all over the world. You just need to purchase our product and read our IBM 000-115 certification test simulation carefully before you go to the test room. We guarantee your success without any effort and get your IBM Certification easily and quickly.
Some descriptions are as follows:
Exam Number: 000-115
Exam Name: Storage Sales V2
Number of questions: 70
Time allowed in minutes: 120
Required passing score: 64%
Test languages: English
Gather Customer Requirements (26%)
Value Proposition (23%)
Systems Management (11%)
Dynamic Infrastructure (16%)
Determine Application Solutions / Create Comprehensive Solution (24%)
When you visit Ourexam, you will find a variety of training tools on the internet to prepare yourself for your IBM 000-115 Certification Exam, Ourexam 000-115 test simulation provides the most comprehensive and verified Questions and Answers to give you the Ourexam Environment.