It is well known that 1Y0-A24 study guide is the latest updated and hottest exam of Citrix Certification. Ourexam offer you all the Q&A of the 1Y0-A24 real test . It is the examination of the perfect combination and it will help you pass 1Y0-A24 exam at the first time!
Here are some details for this 1Y0-A24 study guide:
Exam Number: 1Y0-Z24
Exam Name: Citrix XenServer 5.6 Administration
Questions&Answers: 68
We can also share an exam demo with you as follows, you can have a look:
Scenario: Four physical NICs are accessible to XenServer. Two NICs are currently in use. An
administrator looks at the Performance tab and notices that NIC utilization is approaching maximum
Which can the administrator create to improve performance?
A. Guest VLAN
B. Internal network
C. Bond for management traffic
D. Bond for guest virtual machine traffic
Answer: D
We guarantee your success in 1Y0-A24 exam and we assure you that you will be successful after preparing from our 1Y0-A24 study guide, because here we provide you complete study solutions and practice and assessment kits. Ourexam 1Y0-A24 exam study guides provide you a greater opportunity to test your knowledge and skills that you need to be good at to pass the 1Y0-A24 exam.